Outpatient Therapy is provided to Adults and Adolescents that have experienced or witnessed traumatic experiences and have consented to receiving assistance to be able to move forward.
Some of those experiences may have resulted in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Prolonged Exposure, or Depression.
We support our consumers to overcome the circumstances that brought their lives to a stand still to be able to walk onto a brighter successful path.
Adult Day Vocational Program (ADVP) is a community based program that provides is a day facility which provides organized developmental activities for adults with developmental disabilities to prepare the individual to live and work as independently as possible. The activities and services of an ADVP are designed to adhere to the principles of normalization and community integration aimed at increasing age-appropriate actions, images and appearance of the individual.
(b) An ADVP offers a diverse variety of specific services and activities. These include vocational evaluation, vocational training, remunerative employment, personal, and community living skill development, adult basic education and long term support and follow up. Support services to clients' families and consultation with the clients' employers and other involved agencies may also be provided. The amount of time devoted to these area varies considerably depending on the needs of the clients served.
Individual & Group Day Supports - Our program provides assistance to the participant with obtaining, retention, or improvement in self help, socialization and adaptive skills. Day Supports is designed to focus on enabling the participant to attain or maintain his or her maximum functional level and is coordinated with any physical, occupational, or speech therapies listed in the Individual Support Plan. Transportation is provided to all participants to and from the program. Individual Day Supports have specialized settings for individuals who are unable to function in a group setting.
Residential Supports - Residential Support services include habilitation services aimed at assisting the participant to acquire, improve, and retain skills in self-help, general household management and meal preparation, personal finance management, socialization and other adaptive areas. Training outcomes focus on allowing the participant the improve his/her ability to reside as independently as possible in the community. They also receive assistance in performing the activities of daily living when the participant is dependent on others to ensure health and safety.
Residential Supports offers habilitation services that also allow the participant to participate in home life or community activities.